To the editor:
There are so many reasons why we are supporters of Proposition 468, which is a bond election called by the Vail School District (VSD). We have lived here since 1994 and have seen growth and then some leveling off throughout the years. But now, we are witnessing tremendous growth again in such a short amount of time.
Our children attended the schools when the VSD was facing problems with overcrowding and had to resort to year-round school with track system, classes held in the library or cafeteria, and classroom on a cart. We are in dire need of another high school and soon a k-8 school. There is a huge need to repair and replace aging equipment, facilities, and busses that are necessary for safety reasons. Unfortunately, our state does not provide sufficient funding to achieve all of that. VUSD’s capital funding has been cut by 87% in 2008 and has not been fully restored. We are already seeing overcrowding and deterioration of facilities and equipment. Without the passage of Prop 468, we will see these problems worsen.
Kiki and Doan Ngo, Tucson.