To the editor:
My wife (Jennifer) and I moved to Vail 14 years ago because of the Vail School District and the community. We knew we wanted to start our family in Vail and provide our kids (Johnny and Cyndall) the best education in the state. Vail School District is what defines this community and why it sustains continual growth. With that growth comes increased demands and needs. In order to help meet the growing demands, the Vail School District has proposed a $61.3m bond (proposition 468) going to the ballot this November. This bond includes Phase 1 of a new comprehensive high school, a new K-8 school, Andrada High expansion, a new VIP, library replacement at Old Vail Middle School, miscellaneous upgrades and improvements, buses, and technology improvements. The community is growing, and the school district is growing with it. In order to prevent overcrowding at our current schools (projected to be overcrowded by 3000 students by 2023), new schools need to be built. This bond does not solve all the needs the district has but it will crack a huge dent.
I have witnessed firsthand, as a builder for the district, in the past, how great the Vail School District is at making decisions that best represent the community. They stretch every dollar given to them and they treat each dollar as if it was their own. They build smart, they build to fit within the community, and they build to keep our kids safe. As a proud parent of two at Mesquite Elementary, coach in the community, builder, volunteer, and citizen of Vail – I urge you to vote YES on Proposition 468. Please visit to get more info.
JV Nyman, Vail.