In my July column, I wrote about the $0.25 property tax increase for road repairs passed by the Pima County Board of Supervisors in May. In that column, I described the thirteen-member Transportation Advisory Committee formed as part of the property tax increase plan; each Supervisor has two appointees and the County Administrator has three. The committee’s many responsibilities include, but aren’t limited to, the following:  receiving public input; selecting a prioritization methodology for Pima County roadways; recommending the selection of roads for repairs and appropriate treatment; make general transportation recommendations to the Board of Supervisors.

Public participation in Transportation Advisory Committee’s functions, missions, and meetings is essential. The Committee’s meeting dates, agendas, and related materials are available at the Clerk of the Board’s website ( During each committee meeting, there is a “Call to the Audience” to receive and gather your input.

The District 4 office will be conducting our own, quoting Mrs. Christy, “Just Fix the Roads” events designed for you to have the opportunity to participate in identifying local road repair issues and deciding their priorities. I encourage your attendance to ensure that your voices are heard at all upcoming Transportation Advisory Committee meetings and eventually all the way to the Board of Supervisors meeting, tentatively scheduled in December.  At that meeting, the Supervisors will vote on the final road repair recommendations as submitted by the Committee.

Our “Just Fix the Roads” event dates, times, locations are:

  • Tuesday, October 3, from 7 pm to 9 pm, at the Rincon Valley Fire Department, 14550 E. Sands Rd.
  • Wednesday, October 4, from 7 pm to 9 pm, at the Corona Fire Department, 99 E. Tallahassee

I’m proud to announce, if you don’t already know, that your Greater Vail Representative Lucretia Free, was elected as Chair of the Transportation Advisory Committee.  Congratulations, Lucretia!

Even though the focus of our “Just Fix the Roads” event is to gather input from and inform our community on road repair issues, we will be providing ample time for other issues to be talked about as well. We look forward to seeing you and having a robust discussion.

Finally, I encourage you to volunteer for the Southeast Regional Council. It’s a great way to make your voice heard!

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