The Prickly Pear JAMboree parade is coming to Vail on Saturday, September 10. Parade entries begin lining up at 6:30 a.m. at Christ Lutheran Vail, 14600 E. Colossal Cave Road, and extends East toward Colossal Cave Mountain Park. Sharply at 8:00 a.m. the Cienega Bobcat band begins to play and the Parade travels down Colossal Cave Road to Hacienda del Lago, about .6 miles all downhill. Viewers line both sides of the street cheering the entire route. The parade gets a little noisy as it enters the Splash Zone area.

The parade is known as Karen McNinch’s parade because she is a committee of one and does it all.

Karen sorts through all the entries carefully sorting them into piles. The Auto/Vehicle Group goes in one pile on her desk. Best Float goes next to the Best Walking pile, which is next to the Best Little Red Wagon pile. The Best Musical Entry pile is on the floor along with the Best Team Entry, and the Best Annual Theme “We are Vail!”

She collects and counts the parade fees of $10 for a Family entry; Non-Profits, HOAs, and Political organizations each have a $20 entry fee; and Businesses are each $50. School Groups or Clubs along with School Bands are free.

The deadline to enter is September 3rd. So, Vail neighbors come on and sign up to be in the parade. How better to show your support for Vail than to be a part of your community parade.

Karen loves to see people smile. She proves it in her volunteer efforts, which only begins with the Prickly Pear JAMboree. For five years she has volunteered at Davis Monthan and another five years for ReSources, our local food bank and thrift store. Not to be left out are four to five years volunteering with the Vail Preservation Society. Finally, she has volunteered for fourteen years with her church, Christ Lutheran Vail. Even her quilting projects become community projects. There is no question that Karen is a woman of giving and community service.

The Prickly Pear JAMboree Parade will march down Colossal Cave beginning at 9 a.m. on Saturday, September 10th. Vail’s only hometown parade is a labor of love for Karen McNinch who serves as a one-person committee. Come and be a part of your Vail community, but watch out for the Splash Zone.

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