Questions for you:

How old were you when you first started writing?

I’ve always enjoyed writing, but I was 45 when I started to write seriously.  By serious, I mean writing my first novel, The Shepherd’s Betrayal.

What was your inspiration for the book?

I have enjoyed reading Clive Cussler and Tom Clancy.  I knew the book that I would write had to be action/adventure and would include places that I had visited in my past business career.  A visceral need to do this book is what really inspired me.

What is the most challenging aspect of being a writer?

After I finished The Shepherd’s Betrayal a publisher in Dallas introduced me to their editor.  I sent her 25 pages at a time and she did line by line, word by word editing.  When I received the first 25 pages of the manuscript from her, she tore it apart and I thought she hated the book.  She streamlined the book though without losing the story.  I learned to write by the way she edited my book.  So, initially in my career, editing was a challenge.  It no longer is.  Now, working on my second book, establishing the characters and the foundation of the story was the challenge.  Once completed, the book tends to write itself.  That’s where I am now in the process with the second novel, Flight to Armageddon.

Do you have a message for other aspiring writers?

Writing a book can be a daunting experience.  If you feel the urge to write, you simply need to write.  Start the process and just do it.  The more you write, the better you become.

What is the last book you read for pleasure?

The last book that I have read is Edge of Eternity by Follett.

Where can your book be purchased or read?

The Shepherd’s Betrayal is available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle.  For a preview, you can go to my website at

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