By Tom Howard

Houghton/I-10 Interchange.
Crews have installed the bridge girders and work on the bridge surface have begun. Preparations for paving the new on and off ramps along I-10 both East and Westbound are also underway. Expect nightly lane closures on I-10 while crews complete work on the new bridge structure over the interstate. Dirt work and hauling will continue throughout the project. Please stay alert and obey all traffic control devices.

Houghton/Valencia to Mary Ann Cleveland
Construction of the new southbound stretch of Houghton Rd. is well under way. Dirt is being hauled in from the Houghton Town Center to bring the road grade up to the new specifications. The new box culvert drains that will keep storm water flowing under Houghton have been completed for the southbound side. New concrete curb for the medians is now being poured and crews are working on the new subgrade for the asphalt to be placed on. Progress as promised. Please obey all signage and traffic control devices. Remember the speed limit is 25 MPH throughout the project, regardless of what the guy behind you thinks. Tucson police have been strictly enforcing this speed limit and fines will be DOUBLED in the work zone. Slow down and pay attention.

Aerial view of Houghton & I-10.

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