by Tom Howard
Road Construction Update
- Houghton at Union Pacific Railroad, This project was advertised by the City of Tucson back in October. Due to numerous changes and additions to the contract it has been extended to
November 30, 2016. Plans are to build a new overpass over the railroad tracks and widen Houghton Road to six lanes to match the rest of the project. Construction would be done in phases. The contractor would build the new structure half at a time. This will lessen the burden on traffic through the construction zone. The first new bridge would be built next to the old one, and then traffic will be shifted onto the new bridge while crews demolish the old bridge and build the second half. Construction should be expected to start in early 2017 providing the bid process is completed on November 30th.
Traffic signal installation
- ADOT (Arizona Department of Transportation) has released its 2017 construction plans. The plans show bid dates to install traffic signals at Wilmot, Kolb, Rita, Houghton and Vail road interchanges. Projected bid advertisement dates are January to March 2017. ADOT just completed the installation of the traffic signals at the Craycroft interchange and they were activated during Thanksgiving week. Stay alert in this area, Stop signs are no longer active and the signal is now fully functional. Other ADOT projects in our area for 2017 include:
- I-10/Wilmot bridge deck Rehab, 2nd quarter of 2017
- I-19/Pima Mine bridge deck rehab. Early 2017
All ADOT advertisement dates are subject to change.
Those of you that travel I-10 in Tucson will see construction activity at Craycroft Rd. Granite Construction will be working on the new bridge deck for this interchange. Expect restrictions and detours as the work progresses. This project will really begin to ramp up after the holiday season.
Colossal Cave Road
The contractor continues to progress with this project. Driveways are being installed along the roadway and sidewalks are becoming a reality. Once the West half of the road is completed the traffic flow will be switched to the West so work can begin on the East half. Be alert for traffic changes and flagmen on the site as work progresses. A reminder, the speed thru the work zone is 25 mph and the Pima County Sheriff’s office wants to remind you that they are enforcing this speed limit. Fines are double in the work zone. Please slow down for the safety of all of us. As most of us can see on a daily basis, this long-awaited project is beginning to take shape. Our children and residents will have a safe place to walk to school and motorists will soon have a smooth widened road to enjoy.
Mary Ann Cleveland Safety Improvements
Work is moving along on Mary Ann Cleveland, the HAWK (High-Intensity Activated Crosswalk Beacon) crossing lights have been installed and work along the roadway for the lighting improvements is underway. Be alert in this area, numerous traffic restrictions will be needed as the work progresses.