Since it is my first Monsoon season in Vail, I enjoyed the article about the Monsoons.  I’m glad to be able to identify the smell after the rain.  I didn’t know what that was. I also appreciated the article about Honor Flight.  My parents retired to North Carolina after living in the Washington, DC area for over 50 years.  My father had the opportunity to participate in the Honor Flight from Wilmington, NC.  He had a guardian and was flown up to DC.  At the World War II memorial they wanted the veterans to stand in front of their home state and have a picture taken.  He stood in front of Connecticut.  Then they were taken to other memorials which he had seen many times.  When he returned home, there was a crowd of people that welcomed them back from DC. All-in-all, it was a very nice and rewarding trip for my father.

Cindy Lachin – Vail Resident

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