By Hollie Warnick

Crisis can happen at any moment. We are in a crisis when an unstable emergency situation, or event, arises. This is a period of time where the ground is shifting under our feet, either literally or figuratively. Life may be unpredictable or volatile. Circumstances can be uncertain or erratic.

But sometimes we forget that crises aren’t just the physical kind. When there is a major shift in our paradigm, letting go of the old can be a tumultuous time of grief, loss, pain, anger and more.

Some crises are about our faith. Our faith can be tried and bent, but when it breaks, this can be a true crisis. When something you have depended on for years, or your entire life, has been broken, that can be a true tragedy. When all that you leaned on for comfort, looked to for guidance, or built your house upon, falls short and seems to fail, this can be a crisis. If you’ve been through this, or a loved one has, you may know what I am talking about.

The breaking of a faith can feel like death, causing grief and sorrow. You may feel rage and anguish, despair or relief. Guilt and shame may try to sneak past your guard as you rearrange your newly charted territory. If you’ve experienced a spiritual or religious loss, you can understand the struggle to find solid ground. You may think, “If that’s not true, what is true? What can I rely on?”

Not only is there a faith crisis of religion, but of faith in a friend, family, a school, government, faith crisis of yourself. Sometimes we feel we let ourselves down. Sometimes we feel others let us down. Our faith in another, or in their abilities, can be a crutch we have been leaning on. Where have you placed your faith that you needn’t? Where have you not placed your faith that you could?
Faith can take time to build or rebuild. Faith in ourselves is a wonderful start. When we choose to honor the truth within ourselves, we take steps towards freedom and acceptance. We begin to trust that the authority actually lies within, not with that parent, not with old paradigm. When we shift our dependence from outside to inside, we are healing.

If you or a loved one is struggling with a faith crisis, contact me. There is hope and there is help.

Hollie Warnick is a Behavioral Kinesiologist and Reiki Master utilizing behavioral health concepts, energy medicine, and essential oils to help clients love themselves and their life forward, backward, inside, and out. She is the secretary of the GVC ReSources board and mother of 4. Join her world via podcast, personal transformation sessions, classes and more at or call (520) 800-4383.

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