This year marked the launch of With that launch came the series, “Faces of Vail” that highlights various people in our community who are doing amazing things. Some of these people are well-known, others are not. No matter whether the face is one that you’re used to seeing at local networking events, or a completely new person that you didn’t realize was your  neighbor, following the Faces of Vail series is an easy way to connect with your community.

As 2014 comes to a close, we’re recapping the Faces of Vail that were highlighted this year. Click the links, get to know your neighbors, and find out who’s making an impact on our small town.

Now, we want to hear from you! Who would you like to see featured in this series in 2015? Your friend, neighbor, YOU? Email to find out how to get included (it’s easier than you think)!

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Lucretia Free