
To the Editor:

The appointed Sheriff is refusing to engage in a public debate/forum. Instead, he is leveraging his position for political gain.  He is attending public events that are safe from questioning and seeking every opportunity to obtain unearned media.  It is clear he is providing media interviews on minor/insignificant events to gain free exposure.

There are significant questions that the public has a right to have answered.  There are serious allegations regarding interference with investigations, intimidation of his staff, misuse of unclassified positions for cronies, his role in the FBI investigation and spreading false rumors for political gain.  He dodges all these things in favor of only appearing before friendly crowds and controlled media interviews.

We might argue that all this is politics as usual.  However, I would argue that the Sheriff should be above all this and held to a higher standard. Mr. Nanos should be required to present himself to the voters so they may evaluate his answers to meaningful questions.  He should appear with me, rather than avoiding the opportunity, so voters may decide who is qualified to be their elected Sheriff.

I am ready to appear with Mr. Nanos before any group at any convenient time.  The voters also have the right to vet my qualifications and experience.

Thank you,

Mark Napier

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