There has been a distinct and disappointing change in how Board of Supervisors meetings are conducted this year, affecting both attendees and Supervisors. At the risk of sounding old fashioned, I believe a Chair should run a meeting in professional and un-biased manner. The current Chair has veered so far afield that I felt the need to address her conduct at the August 21 Board of Supervisors meeting. My remarks follow:
For the record, Supervisor Bronson announced when the second July meeting was added to the Board of Supervisors meeting calendar, and when that schedule was approved in March, that she would not be attending the July 25 meeting. Then when that meeting agenda included an item addressing the long awaited HR Compensation and Classification Study, with $14 Million in employee pay raises, Supervisor Bronson requested in writing that the item be continued to the August 8 so she could be present for the discussion. Hardly an extraordinary request. However, it was summarily ignored and denied by Chair Grijalva.
There is a belief that the proposed countywide pay raise was placed purposely on the July 25 agenda meeting because Supervisor Bronson was not going to be present.
I voted in favor of Phase 1 of the study, with the majority, in order for me to bring the item back for reconsideration during the August 8 meeting so Supervisor Bronson could engage in the discussion.
As we have witnessed before, Chair Grijalva’s pattern of brazen suppression of free discussion and debate was on full display during the August 8 meeting. When the pay raise reconsideration item came up on the agenda, Chair Grijalva shut down proper procedure, would not allow discussion, breaking parliamentary measures by dismissing discussion after moving and seconding the item and then shut down objections by interrupting as she called for an immediate vote knowing that she had them silently lined up.
Suppression and control of Call to the Public speech, suppression and control of how Supervisors agenda items are allowed, and now suppressing and controlling differing views and opinions on a $14 Million taxpayer funded pay plan, are all indicative of Chair Grijalva’s ham-fisted radical policy of once again squashing free speech, not allowing dissent, refusing diversity of thought, and forcing control of a hard left agenda. At very least, Chair Grijalva should apologize to Supervisor Bronson for the disrespect the Chair rendered her. At most, Chair Grijalva should stop being afraid of frank and open discussions as her obvious concerns are that such free and sun-lit discourse may fully reveal her clear and present motives.
I invite and urge the public to view the video of the August 8 Board of Supervisors meeting for all to see exactly what I’m talking about.
The Chair’s reaction to my comments was immediate and predictable. She could have addressed the substance of my remarks or apologized to Supervisor Bronson. No, instead, her reflexive retort was to state I misused personal privilege, and to suggest there should be a training.
Having served on various boards for more than 20 years, I can assure you all that I have a working knowledge Robert’s Rules of Order; something I might have pointed out at the meeting had I heard her remarks over the audience reaction to mine.
Ironically, the Chair reinforced the point I was making with her comments. One can hope someone explains the irony, borderline sarcasm, to the Chair and that we can get back to having civil discourse, and indeed debate, during Board of Supervisors meetings.
Pima County Supervisor Steve
Christy, District 4
33 N. Stone Avenue, Floor 11
Tucson, AZ 85701