Cardiovascular Exercises

Cardiovascular endurance allows you to walk, run, jump or pursue other type activities like Jazzercise and Zumba that have become very popular. These are the large body muscles like the front of the thigh and buttocks. Cardiovascular endurance enables your lungs, heart, and circulatory system to function properly.

Before starting any endurance type exercise remember what I discussed in a previous article about knowing your max heart rate (MHR) and working within the 50-75% rate of your max when first starting. You are now ready to start. Check your resting heart rate (this will be a little different from when we first checked our heart rate to determine our Maximum Heart Rate) and then either jump or run in place for 2 minutes. If you are working out in a gym, you can use the treadmill, stationary bicycle, elliptical and do the same for 2 minutes (pulse could elevate 2 to 20 beats). The next 10 minutes of your exercise check your pulse every 2 minutes. Once you have finished, your pulse rate should return to your resting rate between 2 and 10 minutes. The recovery rate is so important and that is why you should stay within the 50-75% of your maximum heart rate during endurance type exercises. The heart is a muscle and will become stronger as you progress. You will find that your recovery heart rate will improve as you move forward in a regular endurance exercise program. It is very important to know that if you are taking medications that alter your heart rate or blood pressure you should not use the above formula for finding your 50-75% of your maximum heart rate. Do not be discouraged, you just need to know your limitations. Check with your doctor before starting a cardiovascular exercise program. It is like I have said throughout my articles that you have to know and listen to your body.

My hydration suggestion for before, during and after workouts, I recommend between 8 and 24 ounces to be taken 2 to 3 hours before your workout. You should continually hydrate during your exercise program (approximately 8 to 12 ounces) and for the next 30 minutes after a workout as well. For high-intensity exercise that exceeds 45 to 60 minutes, you should consider one of the over the counter sports drinks that helps to replace electrolytes lost during exercise.

This is all a part of your Commitment to Health and remember that “This Is All About  You.”

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