Fireworks-Parade-Children’s Events-Block Party-Music

The Vail Preservation Society is looking for volunteers from our community to help make the 3rd annual 2018 celebration one to remember.  There are so many exciting activities in this community event and we are certain we can find the perfect position to make this a rewarding volunteer experience for you. Some of the areas we can use your energy, expertise and enthusiasm in are:

  • Publicity team-Radio, TV and print media, flyer and graphic design, website updates.
  • Logistics team-Parking, transportation, security, lighting, communications, scheduling.
  • Block Party team-Organize food vendors, solicit tent sales, plan games and activities.
  • Parade team-Organize parade entries, communication, set-up and logistics.
  • Fundraising team-Brainstorming fundraising activities and promote local business and community support.

To sign-up contact Karen Mcninch at

For more information, call Lou LaFrate at (810) 623-1113. Planning  will begin in September 2017.


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