The Christmas holiday in Germany begins December 24th and ends on the 26th. On the 24th (Christmas Eve), most Germans work a half day and shops are open until the early afternoon. Gifts are usually opened on the evening of the 24th. Christmas day is a little different. Unlike the U.S., Germany celebrates two Christmas days, the 25th and the 26th.
Christmas weather in Germany is usually around 28-40 degrees Fahrenheit. Snow is not very common at this time. You may get lucky if you are visiting a town which is located at a higher elevation. On average, Germany probably gets snow one out of five years in lower areas. Christmas in Germany may be one of the most unique Christmas experiences you ever have.
With the famous Christmas markets in almost every town you come across, you are sure to have the time of your life. Whether you visit Germany during the holiday season for business or pleasure, you will have a lot to talk about when you return home. The way Germans celebrate this holiday is not much different than the way Americans do.
The tradition of the Christmas tree with the presents underneath is, of course, the main tradition. You will find lights all over the place as you will in the U.S. Stockings are traditional as well, as they are hung and filled with goodies for the kids. Santa Claus (Weihnachtsmann) is no different. The big-bearded man dressed in red, who rides in a sleigh pulled by reindeer.