By Bailey BreedingCommunity Relations Intern With temperatures heating up, it’s time to start thinking about hiking safety. Hiking is a great way to get outside and get some exercise...
Category - Rincon Valley Fire District

The Holidays Are Here
The Thanksgiving holiday is the peak day for home cooking fires across the nation. Thanksgiving day has more than three times the...
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Celebrate Fire Prevention Week
By Fiona de Young In a fire, mere seconds can mean the difference between a safe escape and a tragedy. Fire safety education...
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RVFD Launches Online Customer Service Site
By Fiona de Young Rincon Valley Fire wants to make it as easy as possible for you to take advantage of our services, which is why...
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Monsoon Safety
By Fiona de YoungCommunity Relations Manager With the monsoon season officially underway, the Rincon Valley Fire District wants...
Read MoreRincon Valley Fire graduates two from Pima Paramedic...
By Fiona de YoungCommunity Relations Manager Two Rincon Valley firefighters graduated from the Pima Community College Paramedic Program last month. The graduation was celebrated on April...
Assistant Fire Chief James Tucker Completes...
By Fiona de Young, Community Relations Manager Rincon Valley Fire District Assistant Chief James Tucker has successfully completed the process that awards the professional designation of...
Be a heart saver for Valentine’s Day
By Bailey BreedingCommunity Relations Intern With all the hearts around for Valentine’s day, this month is a good time to start thinking about yours! Keeping up on heart heath is important...
Prepare your family for home fire safety
By Bailey BreedingCommunity Relations Intern Here at the Rincon Valley Fire District, we are on a mission to ensure our community is prepared for whatever might happen. Most house fires...
Winter Holiday Safety
By Bailey BreedingCommunity Relations InternRincon Valley Fire District As the weather cools down here in Southern Arizona, candles can help bring a cozy feeling into a room. While candles...
Cooking Safety for the Holidays
By Bailey Breeding,Community Relations Intern The holiday season is upon us. Along with family and celebration comes more cooking during this time of year. While cooking is a huge part of...
Rincon Valley Fire Department news for October 2021
By Bailey BreedingCommunity Relations Intern With Halloween creeping up, it’s important to stay safe while taking part in all of the festivities. To ensure a fun and safe trick-or-treating...
September is Fall Prevention Month
By Bailey Breeding, Community Relations Intern A trip and fall can be a result of many different things. Medical conditions and medications may put someone at a higher fall risk. There are...
Important Road Safety Reminders
By Fiona de Young, Community Relations Manager Speed is the number one driver-related crash factor in fatal highway collisions, according to the Bureau of Transportation. Here at the Rincon...