Category - Rabbis Corner

My G-d!

This fall, Chabad of Vail, AZ will offer a six-week course produced by the acclaimed Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) that unpacks Judaism’s understanding of G-d while providing fresh...

Seven Laws

By Rabbi Shemtov During the lifetime of Noah, G-d introduced seven laws, for all of humanity, known as the “Seven Noahide Laws.” These laws are a set of rules that all of us must keep...

120 Years

By Rabbi Yisroel Shemtov This year, on April 12, marks the120th birthday of Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, of righteous memory (1902-1994), the seventh leader in the...

The Purim Story

By Rabbi Shemtov It all began in Ancient Persia in the fourth century BCE. The Holy Temple that had stood in Jerusalem was destroyed more than 50 years earlier, and the Jews were subjects...

Faith or Trust

By Rabbi Shemtov A fellow who faced a serious crisis visited the Lubavitcher Rebbe (1902 – 1994) the leader of the Chabad movement for his counsel and blessing. “Do you know what...