By Matthew Dufour The time of the year to put up the Christmas tree is coming up which also means family dinners, light shows, decorations, and presents. Christmas is one of the most...
Category - Editorial

Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Hello Vail community! I am Leroy Smith, Candidate for Vail Governing Board. I am a former Marine, disabled Veteran...
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Letters to the Editor for August 2022
Dear Editor, School is back and I’m honestly not too excited for new learners or returning. With more and more gun violence...
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OpEd – Incorporate Vail (?)
The movement to incorporate Vail has started again. It was defeated a few years ago for very good reasons. But now that they are...
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Letters to the Editor for March 2022
Dear Editor, Are the Orange and Yellow striped cones on Houghton a permanent fixture? There are many things that can be blamed on...
Read MoreAlternative Perceptions for October 2021
Dear Vail Voice Readers, I truly have enjoyed serving as editor of The Vail Voice. At this point in my life, I’ve felt the urge to move a bit differently; to go in a different direction and...
Hello from Louisiana
By Debra and April Divine Now let’s be honest. None of us knew if the levees were going to hold. It was predicted for early Sunday August 29, 2021, a hurricane would hit New Orleans (NOLA)...
Editorial: School Daze
By Shirley Mays Being a woman of a certain age, I grow nostalgic as I remember (what I can!) of my early days in school. I was born in Springfield, Ohio. My parents settled there when they...
Alternative Perceptions
By Shirley Mays Summer is finally and solidly upon us! As an adolescent, growing up during the summer in an area known as “The Valley” in rural Ohio brought great pleasure to my friends and...
Letters to the Editor for July 2021
Dear Editor, Firstly I want to commend the Vail voice for printing opposing views in its letter section on the Covid 19 crisis. Sadly Voltaire’s ” I disapprove of what you say...
Letters to the Editor for June, 2021
Dear Editor, I am a concerned parent and member of the Vail community. I attended the school board meeting last week and have many concerns about the way the sheriffs conducted themselves...
Alternative Perceptions for June 2021
By Shirley Mays “I will defend to my death your right to be wrong!” My dad often uttered this phrase to me during the course of my childhood. You see, my dad wasn’t the hugging, tell-me-he...
Don’t Let Anybody Steal Your Joy!
By Shirley Mays Similar to others, the month of May can be bittersweet for me. This is because one special day in May has significant meaning for me: Mothers’ Day. My mother passed away ten...
From the Publisher: May 2021
Dear Readers: Rumi wrote : Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing is a field…I’ll meet you there The Vail Voice celebrates its 20th year this October. When I started the paper...