Here’s a novel way to “return to sender” By Khevin Barnes I want to preface my story with a disclaimer: This won’t put a stop to the endless junk email that finds its way onto your cell...
Category - Contemplations
Off the Beaten Path
Off the Beaten Bath Take a hike or ride a bike. Discovering the depths of our desert. I recently surprised myself, and...
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Hugging a Bug
A Story of Survival As we transition from our hot summer to a glorious Fall season here in Arizona you may notice that the number...
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The Eiffel Tower of Vail
Unraveling the Mystery Behind This Puzzling Pinnacle On nearing the Colossal Cave road turnoff by way of Interstate 10, your eyes...
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Vail Resident Discovers New Species of Insect
I’ve sometimes been accused of seeking out a bit of drama to add some spice to my life, and I admit–I am guilty as charged...
Read MoreJust Another Cat Tale in Vail
Being a Zoophilist May Add Life to Your Years By Khevin Barnes Springtime in Vail brings much more than just a return of “snowbirds”. It’s a splendid arena for viewing and interacting with...
The Wrong Way to Hop a Freight Train
Our “Town between the tracks” inspires a Train Yard Tale By Khevin Barnes One of my fondest childhood memories are of those few weeks around Christmas time when my brother and I were...
The Curious Peculiarity of Odd Jobs
Remembering the mini-careers that shaped our lives By Khevin Barnes I feel fortunate to be a resident in the “Over 55 Active Adult Community” of Del Webb here in Vail. While many in this...
Something’s Cooking in Arizona and It Just Might...
(Yeah, But It’s a Dry Heat Isn’t it?) By Khevin Barnes Arizona is a fabulous destination if you’re looking for sunshine and incredible natural beauty. The sixth-largest state in...
Soaring to new heights in 2022
Don’t let a mountain get in your way By Khevin Barnes Philosophers and poets have often compared our lives to mountain climbing. The best view comes after the hardest climb. Living in Vail...
Wandering the World in Wonder: A few Pages from a...
By Khevin Barnes In recent days, as the Covid travel bans have been cautiously lifted, many of my neighbors here in Vail have eagerly booked vacations, cruises and other travel plans. A few...
Battling Big Business and Surviving Corporate...
By Khevin Barnes After our recent monsoon rains here in Vail, my Internet was knocked out and I began a three day saga of trying to communicate with a big corporation while being shuttled...
How a Banjo Taught Me About Racial Injustice
By Khevin Barnes PLANTING THE BANJO SEED Fifty four years ago I picked up a banjo that had been discarded by my older brother. I was in Jr. High School and he was four years older than me...
Contemplations: A remarkable accounting of hidden gold...
By Khevin Barnes DISCLAIMERThe author of this heretofore uncorroborated tale claims no responsibility for the accuracy nor the incidents contained here. And furthermore, he makes no...