As spring blooms and children head outdoors for sports, activities, and fun, seasonal allergies can cramp your child’s enjoyment.Here are some helpful hints for parents that can help ease...
Category - In the Area

A Guide to Wine Tasting in Southern Arizona
A Guide to Wine Tasting in Southern Arizona The world of wine is incredibly diverse. While most people have tasted wine, few have...
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Washington’s Birthday, and Ours
Washington’s Birthday, and Ours This time of year always reminds me of when we used to celebrate Washington’s Birthday. I...
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Rental Homes Unveiled at Rocking K
Rental Homes Unveiled at Rocking K Build-to-rent communities are the newest housing option in cities across the country that are...
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Vail Pride Day at Charron Vineyards
Vail Pride Day at Charron Vineyards Charron Vineyards is a family-run small business that was established in 1995. Charron is...
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By Jack Curtis For many years explorers wandering through the West referred to the Colorado River as the Grand River. The river’s name then changed from Grand to Colorado where the...
Excerpt from Introduction to Ode to My Lord
By Miki Lee Hall My son would come to me as a little boy periodically clear out of the blue, stand before me, and lift up his arms and request of me, “Hold me Mommy.” Perhaps it was fear…...
A Recycling and Shredding Event
On Saturday, April 23rd, in support of the Vail School District, the Rotary Club of Vail, AZ is having a Recycling Event Fundraiser. Waste Management will be providing recycling service for...
Photo: Saguaro at sunset
Four saguaro cactus enjoy the Tucson sunset in this stunning photograph from Bel Coulson. View more of her work at
Tucson’s Beauty (photo gallery)
A photo gallery of beautiful flowers from around the community. By Dan Ford.
What to Expect From A Termite Treatment
In Southern Arizona, discovering termite activity at your home or business is bound to happen sooner or later and Vail is no exception. Once you notice signs of termites – like mud tunnels...
What a hoot
It’s not every day you see an owl stuck in a chimney. The owl was not injured and flew away once released outside of residence. Photo courtesy Corona de Tucson Fire Department
Purple Heart Day By Ventura Tounsel Please take some time on August 7 to reflect on Purple Heart Day, an observance created to commemorate the men and women who have been killed or wounded...
One Year Ago
July marks the anniversary of the Bighorn Fire, which occured in the area in the summer of 2020.Photo taken in Vail on 6/19/2020 by Josh Lien @joshlien27.