During the Spring of 2012, Ev Campbell of Vail started mailing packages from Del Webb to troops stationed all over the world.  These deployed troops often have trouble obtaining important items they need in their daily life.

To date, her “Cards for Troops” volunteer group has mailed 1,217 boxes!  The boxes contain toiletries, snacks, books, magazines, and other fun things.  In many of these locations, the base stores run out of items between shipments.  Many  troops have to work shifts that run past the closing hour of the chow halls.  They enjoy healthy snacks to replace their missed dinner.

The “Cards for Troops” group  has also made over 90,000 greeting cards.  Most of the cards are for the troops to mail home, but some are for someone having a birthday or receiving a promotion.  Recently, 700 Halloween cards were mailed. Currently, they are in the process of making about that many Thanksgiving cards for troops to mail to their families.  Soon it will be time to mail Christmas cards to the troops for them to mail to family and friends. “Cards for Troops”  also make several hundred cards for veterans who are patients in one of the Tucson Hospice centers, to let them know they are remembered and respected

Currently their biggest challenge is funding.  The cost of postage for each box is $16.75.  If you would like to help or donate, please call Ev Campbell at (520) 289-9100.


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