Coverall, chevron, crazy kite, cactus, six pack anywhere, and B&O railroad. These are some of the different ways to win bingo each Thursday night on the north side of Corona. Organized by the American Legion Post 109, the weekly bingo games are well attended.
Both American Legion members and non-members are welcome to attend the 2-hour event. “We start promptly at 7 pm each Thursday night,” said Denise Cady. A volunteer worker for the last 4 years, Denise is one of the first to greet arriving players with a smile as they walk through the door. “Attendance is around 30 players per night. On big nights we will have up to 60 players,” Denise said.
Denise explained they have multiple plays, such as 3,6, or 9 cards which respectively cost $3, $6, or $9 to play regular games. The Legion also offers special card play. “The average payout is around $35 for each game,” added Denise.
Corona resident Conni Fousse is a regular at the weekly bingo night. She enjoys this event because “People are great here. If you’re new, they will take the time to explain the games.” I asked Conni how long she has been playing bingo games. Conni chuckled, smiled, and responded, “I’ve been playing since I was able!” Her biggest jackpot win was recently $100. Her husband did even better with a $300 jackpot, and Conni had to tell him that he won! “I looked down at his card and realized that he had a bingo on the jackpot,” she explained.
American Legion volunteer Jimmy Grzeskowiak has also been giving his time and effort toward making bingo night a weekly success. Jimmy told me that, of course, money goes toward helping the Legion with their operating expenses, but more importantly, “The profits at the end of the year are divided between volunteers so that they can donate 100% to their favorite charity.” In 2016, each volunteer was given $300 for donation to their favorite cause. Jimmy made his donation to multiple organizations such as several Vail School District schools and to the Disabled American Veterans. Denise Cady donated her $300 share to the Gospel Rescue Mission.
Bingo at the American Legion Post 109 is more than just a game. Evidently, it is about developing friendships, having a good time, and helping the community through charitable donations.
The American Legion Post is located at 15921 S. Houghton Road in Corona.