It’s summertime and many of us in the Vail area will soon be taking our summer vacations. Whether you’re heading to the beach, the mountains, or somewhere in between, it’s important that you don’t bring home any unwanted souvenirs in your luggage – bed bugs!
A Common Misconception
A bed bug infestation can happen at any time, anywhere. Many people associate bed bugs with dirty conditions, but the cleanliness of the home, hotel, or business has no bearing on whether you will have to deal with bed bugs. Bed bugs are notorious hitchhikers and indiscriminately climb from one place to another looking for their next meal.
Signs of a Bed Bug Infestation
Bed bugs are typically found near sleeping areas of people and animals like beds and upholstered furniture. They also favor crevices and tight spaces like baseboards and dressers. Common signs of an infestation include rusty or reddish stains or small dark spots on sheets, mattresses, and box springs. Live bed bugs are only about ¼” long and look like a mahogany, flat oval when unfed. After feeding, they are swollen and elongated with a red-brown coloring.
DOs and DON’Ts When Traveling
When you first arrive at a hotel or other accommodation, check the beds and upholstered furniture for signs of bed bug activity. If available, always use the luggage racks to place your suitcases and never leave luggage or bags on the floor. If you suspect bed bug activity in your room, remove your luggage from the room and let the front desk know about your concerns; then, ask for a new room located away from the original room. If you are concerned that you might be bringing bed bugs home with you, unpack your luggage and place clothing immediately into the wash. You can also place your luggage in a trash bag and leave it in a hot area like the garage or patio for a few days.
Treating Bed Bug Infestations
When it comes to bed bugs, always leave the treatment to the professionals. Bed bugs require multiple targeted treatments and, if not performed properly, will only make the infestation worse. The process starts with a thorough inspection by a licensed professional who will develop an appropriate treatment plan and go over a preparation checklist that will need to be performed by the homeowner prior to treatment. Once the checklist is completed, a series of two treatments will be performed a couple weeks apart, targeting live bed bugs and then bed bugs that hatched from eggs after the initial treatment.
For more information about protecting your home or business from bed bugs or any other pest, visit or call your local professionals at Bill’s Home Service at (520) 625-2381.