Buddys Grill

If you’ve ever stepped foot in Buddy’s, you know how cozy and welcoming it is. This locally owned, family owned restaurant works hard to give back to the Vail and Rita Ranch community. From offering discounts to our local military and law enforcement, to holding regular appreciation days for teachers, Buddy’s continually goes above and beyond the call of duty to show gratitude for prominent members of our town.

Art Owens is the owner of Buddy’s. He isn’t someone who regularly seeks the spotlight. Instead, he works quietly in the background to ensure his customers receive nothing but the best food and service.

1. Tell us a little bit about yourself

Originally from and grew up in Tucson. Started out as a dishwasher in 1964 at Pioneer East Hotel and have been in the restaurant business ever since.

2. How long have you lived in Vail?

I used to live in Vail and now live in central Tucson

3. What do you love most about Vail?

Being out in the country – It’s fresh and I love the people and very much involved with the schools.

4. Talk to us a little bit about your business growth.

Quality is priority and essential. Providing good atmosphere, great service and above all, great food has lead to the success of Buddy’s Grill. Cleanliness, and being attentive to customers’ needs is crucial and making sure I and everyone who works here is aware and conscience of these at all times.

The Lord has been good to me and I feel, with the success of Buddy’s Grill that I should pay it forward by providing special days for those who serve our community. I live by my faith through people and community service.

5. I know Buddy’s Grill takes up a lot of your time, but when you’re not at work, what do you love to do?

I love to spend time with my family. It’s all about family and good health.

6. When people visit you from out of town, where do you love to take them?

Sabino Canyon. I love driving to Sonoita, Patagonia, Nogales. I love AZ and northern AZ such as Flagstaff. I used to live there and once owned a restaurant in Flagstaff. I’ll drive through Sedona, Cottonwood, mining towns, etc.

7. Anything else you’d like the Vail community to know?

Buddy’s Grill is a family friendly restaurant that loves kids. I am a father of 5 and grandfather of 13 children. Having grown up in the restaurant business, we know what children want and provide quality food and service and if ever there is something a customer is not totally satisfied with, tell us. Give us a chance to address it and fix it immediately.

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Lucretia Free