I know this may be a taboo topic, but enough is enough. I believe we should be sexually aware.
This may feel like a too sacred or even offensive subject manner for a local community newspaper. I feel it is imperative that it is brought up. All humans have reproductive abilities and drives that we are not always educated on. I feel that sexuality has been attacked from many sides over the years. It is time that we all owned our own sexuality instead of ignoring it or misusing it.
Education on this sensitive topic can be done in the home with safe parameters. If it is a young child, there should be age-appropriate topics addressed. If teenagers are showing interest in being more expressive with their physical sexual desires, they need to know how to stay physically safe. There is also a need for emotional safety around sexuality. It’s important that as a society we address these boundaries and parameters instead of pretending they don’t exist until later in life.
Many adults I know are lacking education and boundaries around their own sexuality- myself included! Because so many topics have been taboo, loads of us don’t have an understanding of them. Many sexual topics were heaped in shame or guilt. Some may be shaded by abuse we experienced. If we don’t talk about sexuality in a healthy way, how are we to heal?
Where are you at with your own sexuality? If you don’t like how it’s going or it doesn’t spark some joy for you, there may be room for growth. There are plenty of resources on sexuality these days. Be sure to find a peer reviewed or safe way to educate yourself.
As you get to know yourself sexually, you can build upon a healthier foundation. Once you understand what makes you tick, you can explore your own boundaries in a safe way. It’s when we don’t talk about sexuality that we get in trouble.
To hear more, check out my recent podcast on a “Sacred Sexuality” retreat I went to for tidbits on how to step into your own sexuality.
Hollie Warnick is a Behavioral Kinesiologist and Reiki Master utilizing behavioral health concepts, energy medicine, and essential oils to help clients love themselves and their life forward, backward, inside, and out. She is the secretary of the GVC ReSources board and mother of 4. Join her world via podcast, personal transformation sessions, classes and more at HollieWarnick.com or call (520) 800-4383.