The fence in front of the 109 family home will be bedecked  on Veterans Day with American Flags  placed there by Boy Scout Troop 770 scouts and their fine leaders, including Senior Patrol Leader Billy Howe, an active duty Air Force veteran, and troop leader, Walter Mittendorf.  The post 109 family has sponsored and supported Boy Scout Troop 770 continuously since 1985.

November 10 marks the 242nd birthday of the United States Marine Corp their flag will fly beside the POW/MIA flag for the entire month of November, a Post 109 tradition.  Brad Adams, a retired Marine, will also assist with a few of his Marine Corp comrades to raise the Marine flag at 109; he is also the Troop 770 Assistant Scoutmaster.

“Produce On Wheels, With Out Waste” POW/WOW will return to 109 on November 25 8am-11am; up to 60 pounds of  selected produce may be obtained for a $10 donation, this is a joint effort with the Borderlands Community Food Bank.  Vail Naval Cadets from Cienega High School will volunteer to assist in the distribution of the produce.

Unit 109’s “Junque to Treasure” sale with of a wide array of gently recycled  merchandise being offered for very reasonable prices will be available for purchase, there will also be a Bake Sale.   Dates and times, November 16, 4-7PM, November 17, 4-7PM, November 18 7AM-2PM..

Fish Fry November 10 , 5-7 PM ,“Chicken Fried Steak Dinner” November 17.5-7PM  Both are full course meals, $9 includes dessert and beverage. The public is cordially invited.  Honored guests at these dinners are patients currently hospitalized at the Veterans Hospital and veterans in the Southwest Blind Rehabilitation program located on the hospital grounds.  These very appreciative veterans enjoy their free meal and the chance to socialize away from the hospital.

Profits from all of the 109’s family fundraisers are returned to veterans and the community.  We appreciate the support of the community and the Vail Voice.

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