Jean Allen – 5/15/39 to 6/11/21
Max Allen – 5/20/38 to 6/12/21

After 52 years of marriage, heaven gained Jean on June 11th and Max on June 12th. Max and Jean met on a ski club outing 53 years ago and have been virtually inseparable ever since. Together, they raised three children: Max, Stacy and Craig in a multitude of places they called home as Max is a Vietnam Veteran that served our country through the United States Air Force before retiring as a Colonel after 29 years of service. Upon retirement, the Allens moved to Benson, Arizona where Max and Jean would call home and live out the remainder of their lives. When not working around the home, Max and Jean loved to spend time with their children and grandchildren or enjoy the peace and quiet of their cabin in Ruidoso, NM. Max was also highly involved in the Vail Preservation Society and was prominently featured in the “Voices of Vail” film documentary.

In lieu of flowers, donations to the Vail Preservation Society are encouraged.

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