Eat more greens—kale, broccoli, cabbage and parsley
See an opportunity in each challenge
Every morning list 5 things you are grateful for
Surrender to the Mysterious and Miraculous
Master your mindset
Face your fears. Walk through them to meet your courage and freedom
Let go of the need to be right
Cultivate a sense of wonder
Trust that life has a bigger plan for you
Exercise daily
From time to time, close your eyes and take a deep slow breath. Drop your shoulders down, soften your belly, relax your jaw, and unclench your fists. All is well.
Do not compare yourself with others. You are unique
Play daily with yours or someone else’s pet
Sing at the top of your lungs
Meditate, Pray, Reflect
Love more – demand less
Dance at least once a week
This year do this one thing you always wanted to do
Have a piece of dark chocolate from time to time
Volunteer for a local organization or help your neighbor
Once a month go for a midnight walk or sleep outside
Declutter your life and home
Ask yourself: “What if everything is possible?”
Release the need to know and understand
Grow sprouts and friendships
If you talk a lot, practice silence
Dream Big. Write down your deepest desires. Take inspired actions
Let go of grudges, judgments, old hurts and attachments
Do a daily act of kindness
Eat more ginger, garlic and turmeric
Tell the truth. It is easier to remember
See “what’s right”
Include avocado, flax seed, lentil, nuts & seeds in your diet