The 11th Civano Annual Art and Quilt show will take place on Sunday, November 6th from 11:00 am to 6 pm at the Inn at Civano and its sister site Generations Inn, located at 10448 and 10457 E. Seven Generations Way in Civano. This Inn sponsored venue boasts 11 years of celebrating the arts and showcasing the beautiful craft of quilt-making, as well as benefiting the Tucson community as a fundraising event. Historically, this event includes door and quilt raffles, silent auction, fiber arts vendors and fabulous music along with the sale of the arts and quilts with some of the proceeds going to selected recipients. In the past, the Civano Community Schools and Neighbors Helping Neighbors have been highlighted.

This year the recipient will be Survivors of Suicide Tucson. SOS Tucson is a nonprofit organization that provides support and aid to family and friends of people who are experiencing the profound grief that follows losing a loved one to suicide. SOS Tucson, while educating the public, focuses on the concept of suicide postvention in the aftermath of a suicide, and is suicide prevention for the next generation.

Come on out to Civano on November 6th and enjoy some great music, arts and quilts, and as an added pleasure there are always free root beer floats.

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